Monday, August 1, 2016

Dealing with Cancer, Resources, Support, Understanding, Living through it all

It was difficult being called Ma'am at 28 but I knew I was young and it really wasn't a big deal - she probably called most women Ma'am regardless of age.  I've noticed that people who have military training are very respectful and use Ma'am and Sir regularly.

So, double the 28, almost.. and you fast forward to now.  Life is busy, lots of responsibilities like work and a small business, taking care of parents, 2 teenagers still at home, oldest son officer in military gaining knowledge and heading towards a great deal of responsibility, oldest daughter married and living in another country, youngest making bad choices and me diagnosed with breast cancer.  

It always hit me how you can be running and doing and juggling all these things. All are so important and you need to keep them all going.  And then life takes a turn and then its like someone hit the pause button or stop button. Time to reflect....

I'm 55. What I know is that 55 is not young and 55 is not old.  My parents are 90 and 86 and still alive.  Dad has Parkinson's Disease and he gets around with his walker but doesn't want to leave the house and moves very slowly, Mom has Alzheimer's Disease and is stuck in a long term care facility in a wheelchair unable to finish sentences or do anything for herself.  So, I see what my possible future could be.  That's 30 years away. Thirty years is a lot of living, heck I was called Ma'am at 28!

My purpose for this blog is to blog about something important that may help others. Cancer sucks but there are options and resources galore!  I plan on making an appointment at the Wig boutique this week. That's where they will help me pick out a wig and hat for when my hair falls out, which could be anyday now.  This is a free service through the American Cancer Society and the boutique is close to my house at a facility similar to Living Well Cancer Resource Center and Waterford Place - Cancer Research Center. They also offer massages free to cancer patients.  I will take advantage of this as well and may go to my first Yoga class this Thursday night.  One of my dearest friends is crocheting hats and made me a beautiful hat. Checkout Crochet for Cancer.

For friends and family, I have suggestions as well.  I'm blessed with so many wonderful people in my life. I work in a hospital emergency room as a patient registrar. Emergency room people are the most amazing people. Everyday they deal with so many different people with so many different issues. My co-workers have been delivering me meals during my first round of chemotherapy. They set this up using  This has been so helpful, especially since I have Dad living with me. There are days I'm just too tired to cook. Other co-workers gave me gift cards for restaurants in the area. My girlfriends from college are providing cleaning service every 2 weeks for awhile and my cleaning service suggested I contact Cleaning for a Reason because they provide free cleanings for cancer patients. The application was very easy and you need your doctor to fax them a note. Other friends text or email to see how I'm doing, stop by, meet up with me and walk.  I'm sure I'll gather more resources and will post a list on this blog.  Please let me know if you have any other helpful resources or want me to look for some!

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